




Exadata的磁盘自动管理-1-教你读懂cell alert中的磁盘相关信息



今天偶然间看见一段alert的信息,这是Exadata上Disk Controller BBU充放电的相关信息,具体解释请参见《如何看待exadata的cell节点出现的writethrough/wirteback模式更换或者控制器充放电信息》:

dm01cel01: 25_1  2014-01-17T02:00:52+08:00  info      "The disk controller battery is executing a learn cycle and may temporarily enter WriteThrough Caching mode as part of the learn cycle. Disk write throughput might be temporarily lower during this time. The flash drives are not affected. The battery learn cycle is a normal maintenance activity that occurs quarterly and runs for approximately 1 to 12 hours.  Note that many learn cycles do not require entering WriteThrough caching mode.  When the disk controller cache returns to the normal WriteBack caching mode, an additional informational alert will be sent.  Battery Serial Number : 13718  Battery Type          : iBBU08  Battery Temperature   : 42 C  Full Charge Capacity  : 1345 mAh  Relative Charge       : 100 %  Ambient Temperature   : 23 C"

dm01cel01: 25_2  2014-01-17T07:34:12+08:00  clear     "All disk drives are in WriteBack caching mode.  Battery Serial Number : 13718  Battery Type          : iBBU08  Battery Temperature   : 46 C  Full Charge Capacity  : 1341 mAh  Relative Charge       : 51 %  Ambient Temperature   : 23 C"
dm01cel01: 26    2014-01-20T10:49:03+08:00  info      "This is a test trap"
dm01cel01: 27_1  2014-03-01T12:27:00+08:00  critical  "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking DNS server on : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."

dm01cel01: 27_2  2014-03-02T12:25:18+08:00  clear     "The cell configuration check was successful."
dm01cel01: 28_1  2014-03-08T12:26:54+08:00  critical  "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking DNS server on  : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."

dm01cel01: 28_2  2014-03-09T12:25:19+08:00  clear     "The cell configuration check was successful."

联想到Exadata上Flash Card的“Writeback和Writethrough”功能的变迁,以及目前为什么社会上各家一体机的架构(我所了解的大一点的Oracle运维三方基本都有了,没有的也在研发中了,只有一些目前宣称只做软件的三方还没做一体机,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~),忽然间想更多的了解下各种硬盘和SSD的发展历程,于是就开始给自己扫盲……………………


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