Exadata 升级过程(二)—catbundle.sql


标题:Exadata 升级过程(二)—catbundle.sql


select capture_name from dba_capture where capture_name not like 'OGG$%';

select capture_name from dba_capture;

SQL> exec dbms_capture_adm.stop_capture('capture_name');
// where capture_name is a value returned from select statement above 

SQL> select apply_name from dba_apply;

SQL> exec dbms_apply_adm.stop_apply('apply_name');
// where apply_name is a value returned from select statement above

Reload the packages into the database, run the following command (make sure you have run step 1 which is mandatory for this step run):
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql exa apply

The catbundle.sql execution is reflected in the dba_registry_history view by a row associated with bundle series EXA.
For information about the catbundle.sql script, see My Oracle Support Note 605795.1 Introduction to Oracle Database catbundle.sql.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle
grep ^ORA * | sort -u 

the format of the <TIMESTAMP> is YYYYMMMDD_HH_MM_SS:
catbundle_EXA_<database SID>_APPLY_<TIMESTAMP>.log
catbundle_EXA_<database SID>_GENERATE_<TIMESTAMP>.log

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