Exadata 环境下修改NTP Server的方法


标题:Exadata 环境下修改NTP Server的方法


如果NTP SERVER 的配置有问题,那么在使用 onecommand 进行安装时,会在最初的环境校验过程报错。
当然,从11.开始,Exadata 上执行 onecommand 之前,必须先使用 checkip 脚本进行环境验证,如果该脚本返回关键错误,那么必须先根据提示解决问题,再继续安装。
例如,“Step 0 = ValidateEnv”就是执行环境校验:

[root@dm01db01 onecommand]# ./deploy11203.sh -l
INFO: Logging all actions in /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/tmp/dm01db01-20120330102340.log and traces in /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/tmp/dm01db01-20120330102340.trc
INFO: Loading configuration file /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/onecommand.params...
The steps in order are...
Step  0 = ValidateEnv
Step  1 = CreateWorkDir
Step  2 = UnzipFiles
Step  3 = setupSSHroot
Step  4 = UpdateEtcHosts
Step  5 = CreateCellipinitora
Step  6 = ValidateIB
Step  7 = ValidateCell
Step  8 = PingRdsCheck
Step  9 = RunCalibrate
Step 10 = CreateUsers
Step 11 = SetupSSHusers
Step 12 = CreateGridDisks
Step 13 = GridSwInstall
Step 14 = PatchGridHome
Step 15 = RelinkRDSGI
Step 16 = GridRootScripts
Step 17 = DbSwInstall
Step 18 = PatchDBHomes
Step 19 = CreateASMDiskgroups
Step 20 = DbcaDB
Step 21 = DoUnlock
Step 22 = RelinkRDSDb
Step 23 = LockUpGI
Step 24 = ApplySecurityFixes
Step 25 = SetupCellEmailAlerts
Step 26 = ResecureMachine
[root@dm01db01 onecommand]#

这里我们看到NTP server在安装时都已经ok了:

[root@dm01db01 onecommand]# ./deploy11203.sh -s0
INFO: Logging all actions in /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/tmp/dm01db01-20120331165347.log and traces in /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/tmp/dm01db01-20120331165347.trc
INFO: Loading configuration file /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/onecommand.params...
INFO: Output from /opt/oracle.cellos/ipconf -preconf /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/preconf.csv -verify -ignoremismatch -verbose is 
 Verifying configuration for dm01cel01.lunar.com
 Load config file: /tmp/dm01cel01.lunar.com.cell.conf
 Config file exists /tmp/dm01cel01.lunar.com.cell.conf                                              : PASSED
 Load configuration                                                                                : PASSED
 Configuration version is defined in Exadata configuration file                                    : PASSED
 Configuration version has valid value in Exadata configuration file                    : PASSED
 DNS server has valid IP address syntax in the Exadata configuration file                : PASSED
 DNS server has valid IP address syntax in the Exadata configuration file                : PASSED
 DNS server has valid IP address syntax in the Exadata configuration file                : PASSED
 Canonical hostname is defined in Exadata configuration file                                       : PASSED
 Canonical hostname dm01cel01.lunar.com has valid syntax in Exadata configuration file              : PASSED
 Node type is defined in Exadata configuration file                                                : PASSED
 Node type cell is valid in Exadata configuration file                                             : PASSED
 Timezone is defined in Exadata configuration file                                                 : PASSED
 Timezone is found in /usr/share/zoneinfo                                                          : PASSED
 NTP server has valid syntax in Exadata configuration file                               : PASSED
 NTP server has valid syntax in Exadata configuration file                               : PASSED
 NTP drift file /var/lib/ntp/drift is defined in Exadata configuration file                        : PASSED
 Network interface eth0 is defined in Exadata configuration file                                   : PASSED
 IP address is defined for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                          : PASSED
 IP address has valid syntax for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                    : PASSED
 Netmask is defined for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                           : PASSED
 Netmask has valid syntax for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                     : PASSED
 Gateway has valid syntax for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                         : PASSED
 Gateway is inside network for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                        : PASSED
 Network type Management is defined for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                         : PASSED
 Network type Management has proper value for eth0 in Exadata configuration file                   : PASSED

在使用中,有时候客户有更改NTP SERVER的IP的需求。
如果没有在 Exadata 的db节点和cell节点上完成相应配置文件的修改,那么cell节点的alert中会类似如下报错:

CellCLI> list alerthistory
         5_1     2012-07-30T11:19:11+08:00       info            "The disk controller battery is executing a learn cycle and may temporarily enter WriteThrough Caching mode as part of the learn cycle. Disk write throughput might be temporarily lower during this time. The flash drives are not affected. The battery learn cycle is a normal maintenance activity that occurs quarterly and runs for approximately 1 to 12 hours.  Note that many learn cycles do not require entering WriteThrough caching mode.  When the disk controller cache returns to the normal WriteBack caching mode, an additional informational alert will be sent.  Battery Serial Number : 13718  Battery Type          : iBBU08  Battery Temperature   : 30 C  Full Charge Capacity  : 1340 mAh  Relative Charge       : 48 %  Ambient Temperature   : unknown"
         5_2     2012-07-30T11:56:37+08:00       clear           "All disk drives are in WriteBack caching mode.  Battery Serial Number : 13718  Battery Type          : iBBU08  Battery Temperature   : 47 C  Full Charge Capacity  : 1346 mAh  Relative Charge       : 73 %  Ambient Temperature   : 22 C"
         6_1     2012-08-10T14:38:35+08:00       critical        "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking NTP server on                                                              : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."
         6_2     2012-08-15T11:29:41+08:00       critical        "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking NTP server on                                                              : FAILED NTP server exists only in Exadata configuration file                                : FAILED Checking NTP server on                                                               : FAILED NTP server exists only in /etc/ntp.conf                                              : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."
         6_3     2012-08-16T11:29:51+08:00       critical        "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking NTP server on                                                              : FAILED NTP server exists only in Exadata configuration file                                : FAILED Checking NTP server on                                                               : FAILED NTP server exists only in /etc/ntp.conf                                              : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."
         6_4     2012-09-15T11:40:34+08:00       critical        "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking DNS server on                                                                : FAILED Checking NTP server on                                                              : FAILED NTP server exists only in Exadata configuration file                                : FAILED Checking NTP server on                                                               : FAILED NTP server exists only in /etc/ntp.conf                                              : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."
         6_5     2012-09-18T11:38:28+08:00       critical        "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking NTP server on                                                              : FAILED NTP server exists only in Exadata configuration file                                : FAILED Checking NTP server on                                                               : FAILED NTP server exists only in /etc/ntp.conf                                              : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."
         6_6     2012-09-26T11:40:08+08:00       critical        "Cell configuration check discovered the following problems:   Check Exadata configuration via ipconf utility Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf Checking NTP server on                                                              : FAILED NTP server exists only in Exadata configuration file                                : FAILED NTP server exists only in /etc/ntp.conf                                              : FAILED Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED [INFO] The ipconf check may generate a failure for temporary inability to reach NTP or DNS server. You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] You may ignore this alert, if the NTP or DNS servers are valid and available. [INFO] As root user run /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic to verify consistent network configurations."
         7       2012-08-14T11:13:12+08:00       info            "Factory defaults restored for Adapter 0"



[root@dm01cel01 ~]# /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic
Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf
Checking NTP server on                                                               : FAILED
NTP server exists only in Exadata configuration file                                 : FAILED
NTP server exists only in /etc/ntp.conf                                               : FAILED
Error. Overall status of verification of Exadata configuration file: FAILED
[root@dm01cel01 ~]# 

场景1:使用过程中,客户更改了NTP Server的解决方法

修改之后,再次使用“ /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic ”来验证。

[root@dm01cel01 ~]# /usr/local/bin/ipconf -verify -semantic
Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf
Done. Configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf passed all verification checks
[root@dm01cel01 ~]# 

#/etc/init.d/ntpd stop
#/etc/init.d/ntpd start 或者 #service ntpd restart

#service ntpd restart
 Shutting down ntpd: [  OK  ]
 ntpd: Synchronizing with time server: [  OK  ]
 Syncing hardware clock to system time [  OK  ]
 Starting ntpd: [  OK  ]

场景2:初始安装过程中,错误的填写了NTP Server的地址

按照新的NTP SERVER的IP,重新生成配置文件。
Image 以前是一个excel,我们会将生成的配置文件上传到 onecommand 目录
Image 开始,onecommand使用java界面生成配置文件,我们会将生成的checkip.sh交给客户,让客户check现有环境是否具备安装条件。

这里,我们执行 checkip.sh 来校验环境已经ready(NTP SERVER的IP地址已经修改成功):
[root@dm01db01 onecommand]# ./checkip.sh -m pre_deploy112

Exadata Database Machine Network Verification version 1.12

Network verification mode post_applyconfig starting ...

Saving output file from previous run as dbm.out_29002

Using name server found in dbm.dat for all DNS lookups

Processing section DOMAIN  : SUCCESS
Processing section NAME    : SUCCESS
Processing section NTP     : SUCCESS  ---------这里看到已经可以通过检查
Processing section GATEWAY : SUCCESS
Processing section SCAN    : SUCCESS
Processing section COMPUTE : SUCCESS
Processing section CELL    : SUCCESS
Processing section FACTORY : SUCCESS
Processing section ILOM    : SUCCESS
Processing section SWITCH  : SUCCESS
Processing section VIP     : SUCCESS

[root@dm01db01 onecommand]# 

(2)验证 preconf.csv 文件的有效性(已经配置了正确的mac地址的):
/opt/oracle.cellos/ipconf.pl -verify -preconf /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/preconf.csv

(3)[root@dm01db01 onecommand]#./checkip.sh -m pre_applyconfig

(4)使用 ipconf -verify 进行再次验证:
[root@dm01db01 onecommand]# /opt/oracle.cellos/ipconf -verify

Verifying of Exadata configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf
Done. Configuration file /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf passed all verification checks
[root@dm01db01 onecommand]# 

#/etc/init.d/ntpd stop
#/etc/init.d/ntpd start 或者 #service ntpd restart


#service ntpd restart
 Shutting down ntpd: [  OK  ]
 ntpd: Synchronizing with time server: [  OK  ]
 Syncing hardware clock to system time [  OK  ]
 Starting ntpd: [  OK  ]


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